The popular guide for Pesach prepared annually by Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Bukiet, containing Halachos, Chabad Minhagim, and the Rebbe’s customs, was published following his passing in time for Pesach 5781.
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The popular Pesach guide prepared annually by mashpia Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Bukiet was published by his family from the draft he prepared before his passing.
Rabbi Bukiet was known as a prolific author, having compiled and authored close to 50 seforim on a wide range of topics. His seforim can be found in many a Chabad house and shuls across the globe.
Every year, before Pesach arrived, Rabbi Bukiet would publish a guide for the upcoming Yom Tov. Titled ‘Pesach Chassidi’ – A Chassidishe Pesach, the booklet contained Halachos, Chabad Minhagim, and the Rebbe’s customs applicable to Pesach and the surrounding days.
The guide, complied from a list of 16 different Seforim and Haggados, was distributed for free in Eretz Yisroel, and sent as a pdf to chassidim around the world. Many eagerly awaited the yearly guide, which clearly laid out the many details one has to remember over Pesach.
Before each Pesach, the guide would be updated to make it applicable for that year’s Yom Tov. If the first night of Pesach falls out on Shabbos, there is one set of rules. Shabbos Chol Hamoed comes with other details to remember. And Erev Pesach on Shabbos, such as will happen this year, arrives with a whole new slew of particulars one must not forget.
In the past months, Rabbi Bukiet worked on updating his guide to prepare it for this year’s unique kvius. The writing was already completed, and the booklet ready to go to print, when Rabbi Bukiet was infected with COVID-19, passing away a few weeks later.
Following his passing, his family decided that come what may be, they must publish the booklet in time for Pesach. And on Monday, ahead of Rosh Chodesh Nissan, the booklet was printed and the pdf sent out as well.
“This booklet was prepared by our father a”h, but before he could publish it, he was summoned to the heavenly yeshiva,” Rabbi Bukiet’s sons wrote at the start of the booklet. “Knowing how precious the project was to him, we set out to print the booklet, thereby fulfill the will of our dear father.”
“May this pamphlet be l’ilui nishmaso, and may the zchus of the many who will use this stand by for his wife tblch”t, and for his entire family sheyichyu,” they wrote.
Click here to download ‘Pesach Chassidi 5781‘
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