Every year, while preparing for Pesach, we are commanded to take a moment to think about someone else who may not have what they need for the Seder. This year, when giving your Maos Chitim, why not dedicate it to your neighbors?
The Seder table is set in all of its splendor.
Everyone has the wine that they prefer, there is enough matzah for everyone and the smells of the delectable seuda are wafting from the kitchen into the dining room where the Seder is about to begin.
In the opening paragraph of the Haggadah, we proclaim: “All who are hungry, let them come and eat.”
Why do we begin the Haggadah with this statement?
One answer is that in order to truly experience freedom, we must first guarantee that our brothers and sisters have the means to celebrate freedom too.
In order to accomplish this mitzvah, wages need to be raised before Pesach ensuring that all necessities are bought in time for the seder. Thus, the special Pesach fund of Maos Chitim, or Kimcha D’Pischa was born.
This year, when considering where you want to contribute, don’t forget your next-door neighbor who is desperately trying to figure out how they will pay for their seder needs.
Maos Chittim 770 will be taking care of members of Crown Heights Anash who are struggling financially and wondering how they will make a proper Pesach for themselves and their families.
Join us in taking care of our own community members this Pesach.
Together, we can make sure that none of our neighbors slip through the cracks.
Take part now at Maoschitim.org
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