Manchester Yeshiva is Back on the Map

Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester is back in full swing, after a four year hiatus. With a stellar group of staff, and a newly renovated Yeshiva wing, the year has started off with a great fresh start.

Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester is now back in full swing, after taking a break for the past four years. The learning is taking place at the freshly renovated Yeshiva wing of Beis Menachem Manchester, and has already started this year with a vibrant group of bochurim and an incredibly dedicated staff.

The Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Akiva Cohen, who is renowned for having inspired thousands of bochurim for over 40 years, is dedicated to working with each individual bochur to nurture and bring out the best in them.

They will be guided in all areas- Nigleh, Halacha, Chassidus and Darkei Ha’Chassidus. The incredible team of teachers include maggidei shiurim and mashpiim, Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Weinman, Rabbi Leizer Edelman, Rabbi Mendel Heidingsfeld, Rabbi Avremi Keivman, and Rabbi Levi Cohen. They are joined by special guest Rav Sendy Wilschansky.

The staff includes Rabbi Mendel Heidingsfeld, who is dedicated to ensuring that farbrengens, and extra-curricular activities such as Shabbatons, mivtzoim, Hands-on-Halacha, go-karting, swimming, paintball shooting, and various other trips are significant parts of the Yeshiva experience.

The menahel, Reb Mendel Cohen, shared that the bochurim just returned from a Shabbos Slichos Shabbaton in Llandudno, Wales. Being away and farbrenging with their mashpiim, allowed the bochurim to connect in the lead up to Rosh Hashana. 

The collective individual attention in each subject and area has shown marked results: the bochurim are learning davening and growing with joy. In the words of one of the parents, “Finally a Yeshiva that really cares for each individual bochur.”

For more information about the Yeshiva please contact: [email protected]

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  1. My most cherished memories of my Manchester yeshiva years are the farbrengens with the rosh yeshiva and reb yitzchok. The two of them blended together to make a wholesome chinuch.

  2. Knowing the staff, the yeshiva promises to be a major success in being madrich healthy chassidishe bochurim, bringing out the best of each individual!
    It should be with much brocho and hatzlocho!!

  3. Omg who would have guessed!!!! This will really infuse well needed chayus and energy in the entire city of Manchester! As a long time resident of Manchester the tremendous difference and impact to all when the Yeshiva was here was really and truly felt. Let us all support this beautiful project bigashmiyus uvigashmiyus!
    (The hafatzas hamaayonus it brings is also incredible.)

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