Man Who Threw Eggs at Tefillin Stand Returns to Apologize

Elad Levi, the Israeli man who threw eggs at a Tel Aviv Tefillin stand three weeks ago, visited the stand on Friday to apologize, and committed to putting on tefillin regularly.

By reporter

An Israeli man who threw eggs at a Tel Aviv Tefillin stand three weeks ago, visited the stand on Friday to apologize to the two bochurim who man the booth.

As previously reported, a Tefillin stand run every Friday by yeshiva students in Nes Tziona, south of Tel Aviv, was attacked by a passerby who threw eggs at the stand and the bochurim who were running it.

The incident was widely condemned by politicians and public officials and Israeli Police opened an investigation into the alleged hate crime.

This Friday, Elad Levi, returned to the Tefillin stand but this time with good intentions in mind.

The two bochurim warmly received him and accepted his sincere apology, asking him if he was willing to put on Tefillin. Elad surprised them by saying that he would begin to put on tefillin every day going forward.

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