Man Shot Near Kever Yosef By Arab Sniper

Adam, an Israeli from Ra’anana, was visiting a location overlooking Kever Yosef in Shchem and hit by a sniper’s bullet right in the chest. Please say Tehillim for Adam ben Penina.

By reporter

This morning, an Israeli from Ra’anana was visiting places in Eretz Yisroel with his local shul was hit by a sniper bullet. The group was at a location overlooking Kever Yosef in Shechem, singing and dancing, when Adam was suddenly assaulted by a sniper’s bullet and felt an exploding pain in his arm.

Adam is a personal trainer and relies heavily on the health and function of his body to properly do his work, and is asking for tefilos in the merit of his complete recovery.

Please say Tehillim for Adam ben Penina.

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