Magnificent New Mikva Opens in Moscow’s Rostokino Neighborhood

In a modest yet impressive ceremony the mikva was officially opened last week by Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar who founded the Jewish Children’s Home nearly 20 years ago.

Photos: Levi Nazarov

The “Bais Chaya Campus” which spans a number of buildings is not only a Jewish Children’s Home. It is also a Chabad House with regular activities and events for all its Jewish neighbors. As the community grew and expanded, the need arose to build a mikva which would serve the neighboring communities as well.

The campus director, shliach Rabbi Menachem Gol undertook this project and recruited philanthropists Mr. Yehuda Davidov and Mr. Reuven Simionov, as well as additional donors. Slowly the dream turned into reality, until its recent splendid completion.

The mikva was built with the guidance of Rabbi Shmuel Levin, who specializes in the planning and building of mikvas, and is under the supervision of Russia’s Chief Rabbinate by the mazkir Rabbi Zalman Shimon Deren.

In a modest yet impressive ceremony the mikva was officially opened last week by Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar who founded the Jewish Children’s Home nearly 20 years ago. It has since merited to save many Jewish children, raising them with love and care, guiding them in building their own warm Jewish families. Some of the Home’s graduates serve as shluchim and Rabbis in Jewish communities throughout Russia.

The mikva was named “Mikva Shoshana” in loving memory of Mrs. Shoshana Zissel Spalter of blessed memory, who passed away suddenly about 5 years ago. Together with her husband, Rabbi Tzvi Arye, they merited to visit the Children’s Home a number of times when they came to their daughter, Mrs. Shlomit Gol, who is the wife of Rabbi Menachem Gol, the dedicated director of the Home. Rabbi Tzvi Arye of blessed memory was a professional architect who specialized in building mikvas.

After the speeches and gifts of appreciation in the main hall, the guests were invited to tour the mikvas, which also include a convenient mikva for dishes. The guests were very impressed with the beauty and attention to detail that were invested for the benefit of all the mikva’s guests, ensuring that each one will have the best experience.

Following an uplifting Chassidic farbrengen, the men went to daven maariv in the Home’s beautiful shul which is attended regularly not only by the children, but also by many Jews from the neighborhood who derive great pleasure from the many Jewish events and classes there. Now they will also be able to enjoy the magnificent new mikva in the neighborhood.

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