Machane Heights Campers Enjoy Building Their Own Beis Hamikdash

Photos: Avremkeh Eisenstein

Campers at Machane Heights Day Camp at United Lubavitcher Yeshiva kicked off Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av by building a large cardboard model of the second Bais HaMikdosh.

Campers at Machane Heights Day Camp at United Lubavitcher Yeshiva kicked off Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av by building a large cardboard model of the second Bais HaMikdosh. Every learning class took part in building a part of the model and then all the segments were brought together and assembled.

“At camp, we stress teamwork with both campers and staff,” said Rabbi Yankee Blasberg, head counselor of Machane Heights. “We divided the campers into three teams and supplied them with scissors, glue, rulers, and scoring sticks. The counselors of each team then assigned campers the jobs of cutting, scoring, gluing, and assembling the parts. After a short break, the teams joined all the parts together for an impressive tabletop Bais HaMikdosh model. It was a great experience for both campers and staff.”

The hands-on activity was a collaborative project with Tzivos Hashem Crafts Workshops, which offers the model free for download online at Jewish Usually, the finished product results in an 18”x 9” personal model of the Bais HaMikdosh.  This time, the camp had the pages enlarged and printed at over 200%, resulting in a much larger model for classroom display.

“The model will be kept on display for all the campers to see throughout the Nine Days,” said Rabbi Peretz Blasberg, Director of Machane Heights day camp. “Since our daily learning classes now focus on the structure of the Bais HaMikdosh, having an actual model for learning teachers and campers to refer to will make the lessons so much more vivid.”

Rabbi Michoel Albukerk of the Tzivos Hashem Crafts Workshops assisted the campers with the activity.

“Many camps and families are enjoying this workshop at this time of year, we are getting hundreds of downloads,” he said. “Since the model was designed based on the description of the Rambam, it even helps adults learn Hilchos Bais HaBechira at this time of year.” Tzivos Hashem Crafts staff members, Yisroel Chababo and Avremkeh Eisenstein also provided assistance.

In the zechus of learning about the Beis HaMikdosh, may we merit the third Beis HaMikdosh descend from heaven to its place in Yerushalayim with Moshiach.”

If you want to build your own model of the Beis Hamikdosh, the pdf file is available for download during the Three Weeks at


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