Lubavitchers in South Africa Feel Reassured by Rebbe’s Promise

As social unrest and violent riots erupte in cities across South Africa, Chabad is reminding anxious citizens of the Rebbe’s promise that the country will be safe until Moshiach and beyond.

By reporter

Angry mobs clashed with police and set ablaze shopping malls in cities across South Africa on Tuesday, and dozens of people killed, as grievances unleashed by the jailing of ex-president Jacob Zuma boiled over into the worst violence in years.

Stores and warehouses in South Africa were hit by looters on Tuesday for a fifth day running despite President Cyril Ramaphosa deploying troops to quell unrest that has killed at least 72 people.

Since the beginning of the violence, local Chabad Shluchim have been reminding anxious residents of the Rebbe’s promise that South Africa will be good until the coming of Moshiach!

On February 11th, 1990, when Nelson Mandela was released from prison, Rabbi Koppel Bacher, an influential leader of the South African Jewish community, was in New York and saw the Rebbe. The Rebbe gave him a personal message for the South African community. “Tell them they have nothing to fear, and that South Africa will be good until the coming of Moshiach!”

VIDEO: Rabbi Eitan Ash addresses the recent unrest in South Africa.

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VIDEO: The Rebbe gives Rabbi Koppel Bacher powerful words of encouragement to take back to the Jewish community in South Africa.

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