Lubavitcher Stabbed on Friday Night in Crown Heights

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A Lubavitcher walking on Union St. in Crown Heights was stabbed with a screwdriver in his arm late Friday night. The victim is in stable condition.

By reporter

A Lubavitcher man was hospitalized after being stabbed with a screwdriver late Friday night in Crown Heights. The NYPD are investigating the incident as a possible hate crime.

The attack occurred at approximately 2:00 AM on Friday night. According to the NYPD report, the Lubavitcher, who was wearing “traditional Jewish garb” was walking on Union Street towards Troy Avenue.

He was approached by 2 males who asked him if he was Jewish.

After confirming his Jewish identity, the perps stabbed the victim one time in his left arm with a screwdriver leaving the victim with a small puncture wound.

Hatazala treated the victim and transported him to Methodist Hospital, where he was listed in stable condition. He has since been released and returned home.

“As of now, this is being treated and investigated as a possible bias incident,” the NYPD said.

“There are no other credible threats at this time to the Crown Heights community,” they said.

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  1. 1) NYPD Drone Surveillance needed for Jews who dont carry cell phones on Shabbos
    2) Crime/Fire call boxes with live CCTV security to be shared with local neighborhood watch groups
    3) Program emergency 911 buttons on cell phones to go local interested neighborhood watch groups as well

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