Lubavitcher Bus Driver Uses His Bus for a Holy Purpose

Photos: Mendy Kotlyar

In his job as a bus driver for the Kavim Bus Company in Eretz Yisroel, Lubavitcher R’ Moshe Dovid Cohen uses his bus as a vehicle for hafatzas hamayanos. In honor of Yud Alef Nissan, he decided to take it to the next step.

By reporter

Lubavitcher R’ Moshe Dovid Cohen of Beitar Illit has a job which might seem unusual, but he sees it as a a unique oppurtunity.

Cohen works as a bus driver for the Kavim Bus Company, a Israeli company with a fleet of 300 vehicles and a workforce of 450. Over his years of driving, he gained a reputation for utilizing his vehicle for mivtzoim and hafatzos hamayanos, offering passengers a chance to put on tefillin, supplying copies of recent Chassidus publications, and playing Chabad niggunim on the loudspeakers alongside divrei Torah.

Earlier this months, ahead of Yud Alef Nissan, he decided to take it up a notch.

Offering his bus, he proposed that for the first time in history, a Tanya would be printed on a city bus, in accordance with the Rebbe’s request to have Tanya printed wherever Yidden live.

The printing took place a short while later, with the attendance of rabbonim, rebbes, and shluchim from Beitar Illit, alongside representatives from the Kavim Bus Company.

A total of 360 Tanyas were printed, three times the number of the Rebbe’s birthday being celebrated this year – 120. The Tanya will be bound in hard cover, and a copy will be distributed to every Jewish driver in the company, together with a CD containing classes on Tanya from noted lecturers and teachers.

Among those addressing the crowd gathered for the printing were Harav Asher Lemel Cohen, rov of the Chabad community of Beitar Illit, the Nadvorna Beitar Illit Rebbe, Head Shliach to Kazakhstan Rabbi Shaya Cohen and Zhytomyr Shliach Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm, who came with a group from the Zhytomyr orphanage, which relocated to Eretz Yisroel after the war in Ukraine broke out.


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