Lubavitcher Bochurim Pay Tribute to Fallen Mossad Agent

The Chabad Yeshiva of Vienna commemorated the passing of the Mossad agent M., a Mossad agent who drowned in Italy two months ago, and whose identity still remain a secret, with nearly 20 siyumim.

The Temimim at the Chabad Yeshiva of Vienna closed an uplifting Yeshivas Kayitz with a unique and moving moment: nearly twenty Siyumei Masechtos in memory of the Mossad agent – M. who drowned in the “Intelligence Agents’ boating tragedy” about two months prior.

The Yeshivas Kayitz took place in Milan, Italy, where for nearly three weeks the talmidim invested day and night holding a grand chazarah on the entire Maseches Avoda Zara, which they learned during the year b’Iyun and bekius.

As a closing trip of the Yeshivas Kayitz, the Temimim together with the Hanhala enjoyed a day at Lake Maggiore (Lago Maggiore), with the purpose of refreshing the mind and body.

After a short boat ride, the Temimim arrived at their destination: The island, Isola Bella, right near the location where the intelligence agents’ ship docked for lunch shortly before it sank. On the banks of the lake, with a background of breathtaking scenery and a cloud of sadness, the entire Yeshiva stood for the Siyumei Masechtos.

“We know almost nothing about Agent – M., apart from the first letter of his first name and fragments of descriptions shared by his colleagues. However, we do know this: Here is a person who devoted himself to saving lives literally, in Eretz Israel and in the world, in his life and in his death. While he was here in body – most likely the opportunity would never have arisen for us to thank him, but his neshama is still here, and this is our humble opportunity to finish twenty Masechtos in his memory and thus simply say two words: thank you!”, concluded the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Fieldsteel with tears.


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  1. Thank you so much for this wonderful video of Bachurim memorializing a fellow yid-a mossad agent they never met.
    Mi Kiamcha Yisroel?

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