Lubavitch Quickly Becoming Tourist Hotspot

The town of Lubavitch in Russia is quickly becoming a major tourist destination for all sorts of groups from across Russia and beyond. Visitors tour the rebuilt buildings and holy sites and enjoy hospitality by Shliach Rabbi Gavriel Gordon.

By reporter

A new life is coming to Lubavitch.

In recent months, the town of Lubavitch in Russia, has begun welcoming growing numbers of tourists and visitors, coming to explore the town that was the home of Chabad for over 100 years.

The number of visitors have increased in response to the rebuilding and restoration efforts undertaken by shliach Rabbi Gavriel Gordon. His tireless efforts have led to a complete transformation in the city, which until recently looked like a town out of the middle ages.

For many years, the cemetery in Lubavitch lay barren, with trees and shrubbery covering most of the area that had, for generations, been considered hallowed ground. It took decades for the Ohel of the Tzemach Tzedek and the Rebbe Maharash, destroyed by the Nazis, to be rebuilt. It took many more years for the other holy sites to be restored, with many projects still in the process.

Recent developments include the building of new guest houses, which allow visitors to stay overnight, or for Shabbos. Groups have begun coming for short visits, enjoying tours offered by local shluchim, and some groups arrange Shabbatons and remain in Lubavitch for a full weekend.

Just recently, a Shabbaton was held for a large group from the Yachad organization, which works with young Jewish men in the Moscow area. The group was accompanied by the program director, Rabbi Dovid Shapiro, Rabbi Yitzchak Zilberg, and Shabbos guest Rabbi Reuven Korevsky.

The group spent the weekend touring the holy sites in Lubavitch, including the chotzer of the Rabbeim, the Ohel of the Tzemach Tzedek and Rebbe Maharash, and the graves of the other tzaddikim in the cemetery. Over Shabbos, the farbrenged with their program heads, all while enjoying Rabbi Gordon’s incredible hospitality. After Shabbos, they left inspired and uplifted, with deep appreciation for the chance to spend Shabbos in the hallowed spot.

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