Lubavitch Girls Magazine Features Artwork from Students

The Hakhel newsletter, organized by Mechanchos Exchange has already published three magazines and is working on its fourth. They are currently accepting art or writing submissions that pair with the theme, “Torah in my Life”.

Girls from Lubavitch communities worldwide are coming together through the Hakhel Newsletter. This project is organized by the Mechanchos Exchange, a network of hundreds of Lubavitcher Mechanchos globally, who are encouraging and working with their students to submit creative works based on the theme of the newsletter.

The first three newsletters have already been published, and the fourth one plans to be published in time for Shavuos. The publication is currently accepting submissions. The theme for this edition is “Torah in my Life” in connection with Shavuos. This call for submissions is open to all students, girls from 1st grade and up.

You can submit an essay or story, drawing, fun page, or any other creative idea that expresses the concept of Ahavas Yisroel. However, submissions must meet the following criteria:

The work must be original and your own.

The submission must be neat, clear, and free of spelling and grammar errors.

The work must be “toichendik,” meaning it conveys a meaningful message.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to showcase your creativity and be part of it! Simply write, draw, or create something that reflects the theme and send it to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is 27 Iyar/May 18.

All submissions that meet the above criteria will be published in the upcoming edition of the newsletter. So, write, draw, create, and submit your work today!

You can see the previous three editions of the magazine here.

In keeping in line with the Rabbonim's policies for websites, we do not allow comments. However, our Rabbonim have approved of including input on articles of substance (Torah, history, memories etc.)

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