Lubavitch Daily Gemara Program to Begin Eruvin

On Tuesday, members of the Amud Yomi L’anash Gemara program will embark on a journey through Masechta Eruvin, with a daily shiur by Rabbi Yossel Schtroks and a special introductory shiur by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Belinov.

By staff

This Tuesday, 28th Adar I, Anash around the world, will unite and embark on an exciting journey through Masechta Eruvin as part of the popular Amud Yomi L’anash Gemara program.

Amud Yomi L’anash was established close to two years ago as an organization dedicated to promoting the study of a daily Amud of Gemara as recorded in Sefer Haminhagim. At this juncture, the organization is pleased to announce the following developments and expansions that have recently become available.

Amud Yomi L’anash offers daily online Shiurim and recordings by first-rate Talmidei Chachomim, Rabbi Yossel Schtroks of London in English, and Rabbi Dan Naftalin in Hebrew. A special introductory shiur on Eruvin will be delivered by Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Belinov, rov in Bnei Brak and Rosh Yeshiva in Kfar Chabad.

In addition to the regular Shiurim and assisting in setting up local shiurim in Anash communities and Chabad Houses, Amud Yomi L’anash has joined forces with other Lubavitch institutions to help make learning the daily Amud even more accessible and enjoyable:

  • The daily Amud can be accessed and followed through the Steinsaltz Daily Study App with excellent elucidation, pictures, and relevant Halachos.
  • Interactive PowerPoint presentations summarise the daily Amud from the Chabad Machon Havineini, etching the Amud into one’s memory for long-term recall.
  • Weekly study companions in Hebrew and English with translations, summaries, and diagrams.
  • As a link and aid for the Rambam study cycle, an exclusive collection of the Rambam related to the daily Amud is available from the Studying Rambam Series from
  • WhatsApp groups to discuss the learning and find Chavrusas
  • Aid and support for local Shiurim and Chaburas.

To join the Whatsapp group, click here:

To download the weekly Study Companion, click here.

To download the Steinzalts daily study app click here or here.

To enter the daily Shiurim in Hebrew at 10:00 am EST or in English at 15:15 EST, click here

For Shiur recordings, click here.

For more information, visit

For more information, or to see how we can help you bring Amud Yomi to your community, please email: [email protected].

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