Lubavitch Cheder Tours Artscroll Headquarters

On Tuesday, the 7th and 8th grade boys of Cheder Chabad Monsey went on a trip to Artscroll Mesorah’s main publishing office and production facility, where they received a behind-the-scenes look at the work of producing the seforim.

On Tuesday, the 7th and 8th grade boys of Cheder Chabad Monsey went on a trip to Artscroll Mesorah’s main publishing office and production facility, where they received a behind-the-scenes look at the work of producing the seforim.

The facility is located in Rahway, NJ, and houses the executive offices, editorial offices, a bais medrash, production studio, and printing plant.

The boys were greeted by Rabbi Yitzchok Heisinger, who gave them an overview of the history and evolution of Artscroll and the method used for editing and translating a sefer. Rabbi Levke Kaplan, principal of Cheder Chabad Monsey, who has worked over the years editing many seforim and textbooks, explained in greater detail the many layers of editing and proofreading that goes into the publishing of a flawless sefer.

The boys also met Rabbi Mordechai Gutman, a talmid chochom and a senior editor at Artscroll who answered questions about the translation process of sifrei kodesh.

The boys toured the plant and experienced the entire printing and binding process starting in the paper room and finishing in the bindery with a finished sefer.

“The trip was interesting, informative, and infused our talmidim with dearness for sifrei kodesh and a renewed inspiration for limud h’Torah,” the school’s administration said.


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