Los Angeles Yeshiva Celebrates Chag HaSmicha

The atmosphere was warm and joyous as many guests gathered to celebrate the 26 newly ordained rabbis of Kollel Tiferes Menachem in Los Angeles. Parents and relatives traveled from across the United States and overseas to share in this momentous milestone.

The atmosphere was warm and joyous as many guests gathered to celebrate the 26 newly ordained rabbis of Kollel Tiferes Menachem in Los Angeles. Parents and relatives traveled from across the United States and overseas to share in this momentous milestone and participate in the gala Chag HaSmicha.

This year at Kollel Tiferes Menachem has been remarkably enriching, baruch Hashem. The in-depth study of halacha, led by Rosh HaKollel Rabbi Dovid Schmukler, was complemented by Chassidus shiurim from Rabbi Tzvi Freeman and Rabbi Dovid Schmukler. The curriculum was further enriched by a revolutionary seminar on dating and marriage with Rabbi Manis Friedman. Other esteemed lecturers included Rabbi Zvi Ryzman, winner of the Jerusalem Prize for Torah Literature, and Rabbi Yanky Raichik of the Chevra Kadisha.

Rabbi Boruch Hertz, Rav of Lubavitch in Chicago, and Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rav of Lubavitch in London, conducted farhers for the students.

The last Shabbos of the year was marked by a special farbrengen with Dayan Raskin, who shared personal stories filled with guidance, insight, and the practical wisdom essential for a rabbi and community leader. Speaking openly and warmly with the bochurim, as one would with friends, he embodied the spirit of Chassidus and brotherhood, leaving the talmidim deeply inspired.

Newly ordained Rabbi Mendel Berkowitz served as the master of ceremonies. A video presentation of the Rebbe, emphasizing the importance of never being satisfied with past accomplishments, set an inspiring tone for the evening.

Speakers addressing the crowd included Rabbi Shlomo Cunin, head Shliach to the West Coast; Rabbi Dovid Schmukler, Rosh HaYeshiva of Kollel Tiferes Menachem; and Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rav of Lubavitch in London.

During his address, Dayan Raskin expressed his admiration for the bochurim. “I grilled them!” he remarked, noting how remarkably well they had performed. In a heartfelt thank you, Rabbi Dovid Schmukler expressed his gratitude to Rabbi Ezra Schochet for joining the celebration and for being a personal mentor and example in the love and study of Torah.

A video presentation featuring alumni of Kollel Tiferes Menachem provided the audience with an insightful look into the rigorous regimen and achievements of the bochurim. Newly ordained Rabbis Yossi Bistritsky, Nochum Gorelick, Mendel Minkowitz, Sholom Posner, Dovid Seewald, and Mendy Tamezgui each addressed the crowd, delivering impressive Divrei Torah and expressing gratitude for a wonderful year. Participants left with an uplifting sense of warmth and inspiration.

Mazal tov to Rabbis Mendel Andrusier, Nissen Andrusier, Matti Baitelman, Mendel Berkowitz, Yossi Bistritsky, Yechezkel Fershtman, Yehuda Fridman, Yossi Friedman, Eli Glick, Nochum Gorelick, Yaakov Hirsch, Mendel Katz, Mendel Lieberman, Mendel Minkowitz, Sholom Posner, Mendel Rapoport, Mendel Rav-Noy, Yehoshua Raskin, Dovid Seewald, Sholom Shanowitz, Mordechai Shapiro, Eli Sputz, Mendy Tamezgui, Heshy Teitelbaum, Shneur Wilansky, and Moshe Wilhelm.

As is well known, Kollel Tiferes Menachem has produced genuine rabbonim, dayonim, and roshei kollel, as well as many shluchim BH. May this auspicious occasion serve as a stepping stone for many more, with the new rabbis taking leadership roles in rabbanus and shlichus around the world.

For more information or to apply, please email [email protected].

Photo credits: Musha Lightstone and Anonymous Photographer

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