Long Island Shluchim Unite for Family Hakhel Kinus

Sunday, 5 Menachem Av, more than 40 Shluchim couples and some 80 children of all ages gathered at the beautiful Chabad of Great Neck campus for a full day Hakhel Kinus.

It was a great day for a Shluchim Family Hakhel.

Sunday, 5 Menachem Av, more than 40 Shluchim couples and some 80 children of all ages gathered at the beautiful Chabad of Great Neck campus for a full day Hakhel Kinus.

The families were wined and dined, with food for body & soul. Rabbi Shais Taub addressed the Shluchos at a ‘Stump the Rabbi’ session, followed by an in-depth halacha discussion with Rabbi Yacov Barber.

The men began their day with a talk by Rabbi Mendel Lipskier, shliach from Sherman Oaks, California about the challenges our children face. A lively discussion focusing on ‘Mechitzas’ was conducted by Rabbi Y Barber, and Rabbi Taub addressed the shluchim about Mental Health issues.

Later in the day, the Shluchos had time to schmooze, while creating unique bracelets under the tutelage of a specialist from Michaels Craft Store. As babysitting and a full childrens’ program was running throughout the day, parents were able to be fully engaged in the programming. Bochurim from ‘My Shliach’ provided an afternoon of crafts, games and content for the boys, while local CGI counselors took great care of the girls.

The program continued with a Banquet session, which included a D’var Malchus by Rabbi Berel Sasonkin, greetings from two new Long Island Shluchim, Rabbis Shalom Heber and Mendel Gordon, a Siyum by Rabbi Shmuel Lipszyc, and Greetings by Rabbi Shmuel Butman of Lubavitch Youth. All the members of the Vaad of Tzach attended the banquet.

After the meal, Head Shliach and host, Rabbi Tuvia Teldon, talked about Hakhel and then the keynote was delivered by Rabbi Mendel Lipskier on “Shlichus 29 Years after Gimmel Tammuz”. Rabbi Lipskier continued to farbreng with shluchim long after the banquet ended.

The Shluchim and Shluchos left with much inspiration, a great sense of achdus, and the desire to expand their shlichus to continue the Rebbe’s kibush on Long Island.

Thanks go to Head Shlucha Chaya Teldon, Musia Baumgarten and Chaya Rochel Lieberman for organizing the entire day, as well as Yossi and Chanie Geisinsky for being such wonderful hosts.      

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