London’s Mayor Grants ‘Gold Award’ to Lubavitch Preschool

The Lubavitch Children’s Center in Hackney has received a prestigious Gold Award from the Mayor of London’s Healthy Early Years London (HEYL) which supports and recognizes achievements in child health, well-being, and development in early years settings.

The Lubavitch Children’s Center in Hackney has received a prestigious Gold Award from the Mayor of London’s Healthy Early Years London (HEYL) which supports and recognizes achievements in child health, well-being, and development in early years settings.

It is the first early childhood center in Hackney to receive a Gold Award, out of 44 in the Borough, and one of only 38 out of 2,274 across the entire London. The school has also recently been accepted by the BBC as a referral partner to support families in crisis with essentials.

The HEYL scheme aims to reduce health inequalities by supporting a healthy start to life across themes that include healthy eating, oral and physical health, and early cognitive development. It complements and enhances the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage framework, adding to the focus on children, families, and staff health and wellbeing.

The Lubavitch Children’s Center is a purpose-built facility in the heart of Stamford Hill, serving young frum families. Established in 2009, it provides daycare for nearly 40 children, with around 100 mothers and infants attending ‘stay and play’ activities each week. The Center also provides a wide array of health-related services in conjunction with the local hospitals, the voluntary sector, Hackney council, and Haringey council. These include antenatal appointments for expectant mothers, a children’s health service, immunizations, speech and language support, nutritional advice, assistance with healthy eating, and a broad range of other support for families’ health and welfare, reaching hundreds of beneficiaries each month.

Commenting on the award, the Centre’s Director, Devorah-Lea Sudak said, “Our real reward is that we are supporting so many families with essential services; protecting and promoting the welfare of children in the community. Since so much of what we do is about educating young parents about healthy living, it has a wider, cumulative effect across the community.”


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  1. Absolute amazing what the centre does, and the effect that they have on thousands of local families.

    Well done Rabbi & Mrs Sudak

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