London Mesivta Celebrates Siyum and Graduation

Parents, grandparents and hanhalah of Yeshiva Ketanah Lubavitch London were joined by members of Anash on Monday evening to mark the graduation of Shiur Gimmel, along with a siyum for bochurim who completed Maseches Gittin, Brochos & Megillah.

Parents, grandparents and hanhalah of Yeshiva Ketanah Lubavitch London were joined by members of Anash on Monday evening to mark the graduation of Shiur Gimmel, along with a siyum for bochurim who completed Maseches Gittin, Brochos & Megillah.

Joining them in their celebration as well, were the Talmidim, who in addition to their learning in the seder of the Yeshiva completed and were tested on over 1700 Sichos, 6000 amudim of Gemorah, 5000 seifim of Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Oruch and 8000 seifim of Kitzur Shulchan Oruch in their own time!

Proud parents derived enormous nachas at the accomplishments of their children’s milestones, as they participated in the siyum. 

The event was led by Menahel Ruchni, Rabbi Moshe Zavdi, who spoke of the uniqueness of each talmid and presented each one with a certificate and voucher for the purchase of seforim to reward their efforts.

Divrei Brocha were given by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash who gives a weekly shiur at the Yeshiva. This was followed by Rabbi Yosef Weinberg, Rov of Kehillas Tiferes Yisroel and a maggid shiur at the Yeshiva who spoke passionately about the tremendous zechus he has to be involved with a mosad where the bochurim learn with such chayus and hasmodah. 

Avrohom Weltman gave a hadran and was mesayem Maseches Gitin on behalf of all the talmidim. He thanked the Hanholla of the yeshiva for the care and attention that they show to every talmid. 

The guest speaker was Rav Dovid Tugenhaft, Rov of Kehillas Netzach Yisroel who shared the story of why his parents received a letter from the Rebbe on the occasion of their wedding. He said that he generally didn’t enjoy sitting through lengthy presentations but he was absolutely inspired by the sight of so many young bochurim being rewarded for their tremendous hasmodah and the vision of the resounding slap that the Samech Mem is receiving when he tries to be mekatreg against the Yidden at this time of the year.

All the guests received a copy of the kovetz hoaros and pilpulim produced by the Bochurim with the assistance of the veteran mechanech Rabbi Chaim Dovid Aaron Tiefenbrun dedicated in the memory of the much-loved mashpia of the yeshiva Ketanah Rabbi Levi Paris who was niftar last year.

The Siyum coincided with the annual fundraising campaign for the Yeshiva and the evening concluded with an appeal by Rabbi Yehuda Pink a member of the Hanholla of the Yeshiva he paid tribute to the staff of the Yeshiva, Rabbi Moshe Zavdi, Rabbi Ahrale Tiefenbrun, Rabbi Yosef Schtroks, Rabbi Yitzy Efune and Rabbi Moshe Sufrin who are devoted belev venefesh to the Talmidim.

He spoke about the lechatchila ariber approach of the Hanholla who shoulder the full financial responsibility of the mosad, however even a miracle needs some grounding in nature and he appealed to all those present to heed the words of the legendary Reb Shimshon Stock – “Friends, open your wallets, take out a dollar and give me the rest!”


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