London Dayan Addresses Shabbos Questions in Crown Heights Kolel

Kollel Anash of Crown Heights had the honor of hosting a shiur by Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Raskin of London, England, who addressed numerous halachic shailos which commonly arise on Shabbos.

Last week Kollel Anash of Crown Heights had the honor of hosting a shiur by Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Raskin of London, England. Rabbi Raskin addressed numerous halachic shaalos which arise on Shabbos. Rabbi Raskin serves as Rov and Dayan of Lubavitch in London. He is also the author of many halachah seforim.

Some of the shaalos Rabbi Raskin addressed were:

  • Is it permitted to serve food on Sterno warmers at a Kiddush?
  • Can one set a timer on a hotplate, and have it turn on for Shabbos day?
  • Your Chabad-house guest brought you a kosher box of chocolates, can you eat them?
  • Can you derive benefit from pictures taken by a non-Jew in a Chabad House on Shabbos?
  • Can one operate a business located in a time zone where it is not Shabbos, while one is in a time zone where it is already Shabbos?

For the last ten years, Kollel Anash has been dedicated to assisting young married men master the laws of Shabbos and Taharas Hamishpachah. The halachos are studied in depth; from the sources in Gemara and Rishonim all the way down to halacha lemaaseh. The Kollel has recently added a unique three-year track for studying the halachos of Choshen Mishpat.

Kollel Anash is located at Congregation Anash 770 Montgomery Street and is under the leadership of Rabbi Michoel Lerner. The Kollel was founded and is sponsored by Rabbi Dovid Fischer, the Rov of Congregation Anash.

Watch Rabbi Raskin’s shiur:

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