L’man Achai Ends With Bar Mitzvah and Ohel Trip

The last week at Camp L’man Achai was fabulously engaging, with shofar making, a bar mitzvah celebration and a trip to the Ohel and 770.

The last week at Camp L’man Achai was fabulously engaging. On Tisha b’Av the BMD division made their own Shofar’s. Throughout the day there were various activities going on at camp. Campers were able to choose from various activities including, candle making, leather making as well as indoor and outdoor activities. As always Shabbos is always the highlight of the week! With singing, dancing, Torah by heart, Farbrengens shabbos is a day the campers look forward to, and it is an experience that remains with them after they return home.

On Sunday camp celebrated the director, Rabbi Yitzchok Steinmetz’s son’s Bar Mitzvah. The whole camp joined for a special breakfast and everyone loved the dancing at the event in the evening.

Early the next morning the younger division went on a special trip to New York. For many campers it was their first time visiting the Ohel and 770. All the campers wrote their own letters to the Rebbe and got to read them inside at the Ohel.

The campers got to tour many of the highlights around Crown Heights. They stopped by Hasofer to see how they write Sefer Torah, Tefilin, and a Mezuzah. All the campers visited WLCC and joined in 770 for mincha a rally and group picture. From there they all went to get ice scream at Sweet Expressions, after which they boarded the subway for the next part of the trip. The whole trip was filled with singing, Jewish pride as well as asking people if they would like to put on teffilin. The campers enjoyed a boat ride and enjoyed seeing the Manhattan sky line and the statue of liberty. The trip concluded with a walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, and a BB’Q supper at Chabad of Brooklyn heights. We would like to give a big thank you to Rabbi Raskin for hosting. On Wednesday the teen’s division went on their two day trip to New York. In addition they also enjoyed a Yankees game.

Once back at camp, the whole camp was enthralled by a concert preformed by popular singer Yossi Rodal. He sang his songs, which are famous for bringing out Jewish pride, as well as many popular camp songs. The night was filled with jewish pride, singing and dancing!

The session concluded with competitive sports championships. The staff made a play with a story which brings out the importance of going to a Jewish school. The last night of camp was filled with emotion, all the campers and staff joined in the shul for the grand banquet. During the meal many campers shares their camp experience and how camp impacted them. Galor M. shared how camp not only impacted him, but also affected his entire families journey towards yiddishkeit. The campers got rewarded for achievements during the summer, with prizes and awards.

Campers and staff can’t wait till next summer, but in the meantime are gearing up for shabbatons and reunions that take place throughout the year.

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