LC Women Rejuvenated at Shabbaton with Rubashkins

A group of Living Chassidus women recently had a relaxing and rejuvenating Shabbaton with Rabbi Sholom Mordechai and Leah Rubashkin, invigorating them with a real boost in Emunah, Bitachon, and Geula.

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Recently Living Chassidus had an amazing Shabbaton.

The goal of Living Chassidus is to ensure every single woman who comes to Crown Heights can connect to Chassidus in a personal way, feel the warmth of community, and be supported throughout their journey to marriage and beyond.

Baruch Hashem, It was a huge success. Don’t just take my word for it,

“This Shabbos was truly incredible Bhbh 🤗🤗🤗

Thanks so so much for everything 💕

“It was so nice to put faces and meet so many of you on the WhatsApp group.

Thank you Michal for organizing.

I am so inspired and trying to put the inspiration into action now.”

The food was plentiful and everyone had what to eat. The variety was great and everyone was full, Baruch Hashem!

The swimming pool didn’t disappoint, and everyone could swim before Shabbos and on Sunday. It even had a waterslide!

Right after candle lighting Mrs. Rubashkin joined and farbranged with us. It was such a powerful way to start Shabbos.

Shabbos night, the meal was splendid.

A beautiful dvar Torah was shared by Chaya Mushka Banon.

Afterward, everyone got up and introduced themselves while sharing a fun fact. We all had a good laugh and it made it a friendly atmosphere.

Shabbos morning some ladies got up to learn and daven. Others went to shul.

The meal started at 1 pm with some more great food.

We also heard an empowering Dvar Torah from Bassheva Laskey.

Yehudis Shernofsky shared the impact Living Chassidus has had on her, from helping her be able to come to Crown Heights, to finding a community of like-minded people who are working on themselves. You could feel the positive energy in the air.

At 4:30 pm Rabbi and Mrs. Rubashkin joined us for a real boost in Emunah, Bitachon, and Geula. They shared some powerful ideas with women being able to ask questions and seeing how it applies to their lives.

At 7 pm, LC members gathered on the back porch to farbreng about what they had learned. They sang niggunim and finished Shabbos on a spiritual high.

Motzei Shabbos we enjoyed pizza, salad, and a rocking bonfire.

Rabbi Rubashkin joined us, shared Baal Shemtov stories, and gave us another big boost in our Emuna and Bitachon

The Shabbaton is one of the most powerful events that Living Chassidus does.

The women are pampered b’gashmiyus and inspired b’rechniyus!

Truly life-changing!

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