‘Living Chassidus’ Welcomes Young Women to Crown Heights

Since its inception in 2012, Living Chassidus has grown into an organization where women from all walks of life join together for growth, friendships, community, and support.

By Michal Weiss

Living Chassidus, an organization run by Michal and Sharon Weiss is the “Chabad House” equivalent for post-seminary women who move to Crown Heights during the shidduchim and newlywed years. They have a passion to help these young women continue their learning, while growing and preparing for marriage.

Close to nine years ago, Michal noticed a trend of some of her seminary friends beginning to fall through the cracks of Crown Heights. She made a birthday farbrengen where she implored the women to keep in mind two fundamental principles: 1. Chassidus has practical application and can truly give your life meaning. 2. We must stick together as a community and help each other through this stage. That farbrengen gave birth to a weekly shiur in her small and cozy apartment. 

Fast forward to today. Living Chassidus has grown into the most incredible shlichus in Crown Heights. Women come from all walks of life, both ba’alei teshuva and Frum-From-Birth,and join together for growth, friendships, community and support. “Finding Living Chassidus was the best thing that has happened to me since I arrived in Crown Heights,” says Chaya Mushka from Melbourne, Australia. 

Their programs include but are not limited to classes, farbrengens, Shabbos meals and help with shidduchim . One of the most popular programs is the Life Skill Series where Michal arranges speakers weekly to discuss vital life skills in preparation for marriage and building a Jewish home. The goal is to educate women with these skills while they are single and still have time to think and process. We all know how hard it is to leave home for classes when you are newlywed and wanting to stay with your husband.

A huge part of Living Chassidus’ success is thanks to the Leadership Team, a group of members who volunteer their time and talents to help with this shlichus. One example is Shabbos Gems where Adina, a Leadership Team member, arranges Shabbos meals with host families in Crown Heights. Another is the Birthday Campaign, in which Sima offers to arrange farbrengens and presents gifts from Living Chassidus for members on their birthdays. 

The daily 15-minute morning Ma’amer shiur on Zoom serves as a daily boost of Chassidus for these women who are learning to enter the workforce and internalize their inspiration from seminary. The list of services and programs that Living Chassidus provides goes on.

As Rivky, a member recently put it, “Thank you! Thank you for everything you are doing for young women in Crown Heights! Wishing you tons of hatzlacha and the means to keep doing it!”

To sign up to hear more or to join Living Chassidus programs, please register at:


Watch Living Chassidus on Youtube: 

Listen to the Living Chassidus podcast: https://anchor.fm/living-chassidus

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