Living Chassidus to Celebrate 10-Year Anniversary Dinner

Women of Crown Heights are invited to celebrate Living Chassidus’ 10 Year Anniversary on Sunday, January 8 with a Hakhel Gala Dinner & Chinese Auction.

Living Chassidus is an organization in Crown Heights directed by Sharon and Michal Weiss. Over the past ten years, they have built up a warm and inclusive community with a focus on supporting post-seminary women as they take their next steps in life.

Living Chassidus features an array of programs that participants can learn and grow from in all aspects of their life. There are daily shiurim, farbrengens and classes to prepare for yom tov. Living Chassidus brings in speakers on health, finances, and child-rearing to empower participants with this important information. Living Chassidus also arranges meals for Shabbos, and assists in Shidduchim and other areas of life.

Some of Living Chassidus’ most well-known programs are the SAI program (Hachana for Chassidishe Yomim Tovim) and Life Skills Series.

Women of Crown Heights are invited to celebrate Living Chassidus’ 10 Year Anniversary on Sunday, January 8 with a Hakhel Gala Dinner & Chinese Auction.

Dinner 6:00 pm

Program 7-8:30 pm

Live musical performance by Levi Yitzchak Weiss

Open to all women in all stages in life.

Enjoy a delicious buffet dinner, program, talk by Mrs. Shaindy Jacobson and Chinese Auction. 

Auction prizes include a Rebbe Dollar, free session with Sara Chana Silverstein, collection of Kosher cookbooks, various art classes and paintings, Kombucha Starter Kit, and more!

Visit for more information and to RSVP.


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