Lively Farbrengen Celebrates 90th Birthday of Rabbi Berel Shemtov

The 90th birthday of Rabbi Berel Shemtov, head shliach to Michigan, was marked this week with a lively farbrengen joined by family members, both in-person and virtually. 

By reporter

The 90th birthday of Rabbi Berel Shemtov, head shliach to Michigan, was marked this week with a lively farbrengen and Kinus Hakhel joined by family members, both in-person and virtually. 

Reb Berel, born in 5693 (1933), was the Rebbe’s first shliach in the United States, having been appointed during the week of sheva brachos following his marriage to Mrs. Bas-Sheva (nee Korf). Previously, he had been part of the group of bochurim shluchim to Eretz Yisroel sent by the Rebbe in 5716 following the terror attack in Kfar Chabad.

Reb Berel’s sons and daughter traveled from their respective mekomos hashlichus to join the farbrengen, and many of the grandchildren joined in person or via Zoom.

Also joining via Zoom were Reb Berel’s siblings Rabbi Avrohom Shemtov and Mrs. Fradel Sudak, as well as Rabbi Sholom Ber Levitin, head shliach to Seattle and neighboring areas, and Ronny Ferber, a supporter of Friendship Circle of Michigan.

Besides coming together to celebrate, Reb Berel’s children and grandchildren also presented a unique birthday present to their father and grandfather: In recent years, Reb Berel has had a tremendous koch in learning the Rebbe’s Igros Kodesh, and being m’orer others to do so as well. As such, the present was hachlatos to increase learning Igros Kodesh, with a total of over 5,000 Igros Kodesh just during this farbrengen.

A poster noting each child and grandchild’s hachlata was presented to Reb Berel, to his obvious delight.

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  1. Notice the simplicity of the house. The bookshelves are h3ld up with bricks. Unbelievable, if I hadn’t seen it with my eyes, I wouldn’t believe it!

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