Join Live at 1:00 PM EST: An international Yud Shevat unity event will broadcast from 770, the Ohel of Raboseinu Nesieinu, and be addressed by prominent Rabonim, Shluchim, and Mashpi’im from around the world.
An international gathering of Anash from all corners of the world, all men, women, and children will stand together to awaken and demand from Hashem: Retzoneinu Lir’os Es Malkeinu, with the Geulah now!
All together we will recite the Rebbe’s Kapitel and the 12 Pesukim, led by Chassidim in 770, the Ohel of Raboseinu Nesieinu, and other various Mekomos K’doshim.
The gathering will be addressed by prominent Rabonim, Shluchim and Mashpi’im from around the world.
Sunday, 11 Shevat, 1:00 PM EST, 20:00 Eretz Yisroel Time.
Click here to join via zoom.
Meeting ID: 975 368 26072 Passcode: 10770
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