Live: Young Shluchim Online Parade

Tune in live at 1:00 PM: Join young Shluchim and Shluchos for a grand live Lag Baomer parade. The exciting program includes a performance by ventriloquist Chuck Filed, raffle opportunities, and tons of interactive fun.

This year’s live Lag Baomer parade will feature an interactive program, including fun games, amazing activities and presentations from Young Shluchim around the world.

Get your children involved to say a Possuk, create a float, or demonstrate their unique talents by signing up at

Tune in live to the virtual Lag Baomer parade on Friday, 18 Iyar / April 30th, at 1:00 PM EST at

Join via Zoom at:

Brought to you by Chinuch Yaldei Hashluchim (CYH), a project of the Shluchim Office.

A debt of eternal gratitude is owed to Rabbi Mendel Shemtov, ע”ה who, with vision and generosity, pioneered the Chinuch Yaldei Hashluchim project and facilitated its growth to ever greater heights. May the merit of these programs serve as a perpetual source of nachas ruach to his neshomo on high.

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