Video: Virtual Siyum on Rambam’s Sefer Hamada

Watch a replay: An international Siyum celebrating the completion of Sefer Hamada will feature Rabbi Manis Friedman on the fundamentals of Emuna according to the Rambam.

“When it came to the Siyum of Sefer Hamada, people understood (“chapped”) that it needs to be associated with a joyful Farbrengen” (Shabbos Bamidbar 5744).

With these words, the Rebbe set the standard. Finishing a Sefer of Rambam is a cause for celebration.

Today, Chassidim the world over completed the study of Sefer Hamada, the first book of the Rambam’s Mishne Torah. Once again has organized a virtual siyum.

The siyum will feature author and lecturer Rabbi Manis Friedman on the fundamentals of Emuna according to the Rambam.

The program will be hosted by the popular Rabbi Raleigh Resnick of the Tri-Valley, CA, and will conclude with a trivia challenging our viewers to their mastery of Sefer Hamada.

Live, tonight, Tuesday, 8 Sivan, June 7th, at 9:00 PM.

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VIDEO: Full Replay

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