Live: Unity Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen in Monsey

Join Live at 6:30 PM: A grand Gimmel Tammuz farbrengen will unite anash and friends from across Monsey and Pomona, with speakers Rabbi Sholom Moshe Paltiel and Rabbi Chaim Schabes.

Hundreds of Anash and friends from across Monsey and Pomona are expected to turn out this evening in a tremendous show of achdus in honor of Gimmel Tammuz.

Months of planning and meetings will culminate with a festive seudah and farbrengen featuring shliach to Port Washington Rabbi Sholom Moshe Paltiel and local renowned rov and posek Rabbi Chaim Schabes.

The event comes on the heels of the success of a farbrengen this past Yud-Tes Kislev, when a packed hall of yidden of all stripes was inspired by Rabbi Benny Krasnjanski and local rov Rabbi Yakov Moshe Twerski.

The planning for today’s event started soon after that farbrengen and brings it up a notch, with the new and large YSV Boys school hired for the event.

Organizers told that events like this one will with Hashem’s help be the new normal for Rockland County, one of the largest and fastest-growing Lubavitch communities in the US.

With the help of, Niggunim will be led by The Brooklyn Tenors, a group that includes Chazan Aryeh Leib Hurwitz. A beautiful video presentation specially prepared for the event will be shown.
A large selection of the Rebbe’s seforim at greatly reduced prices will also be available for sale at the site.


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