Live: Taharas Hamishpacha Review for Men

Live at 8:00 PM: The first Shiur from Machon ‘Taharas Habayis’ new Halacha series for married men will take place tonight at Empire Shteibel. Shiur 1: “How to ask a Shaalah” with Rabbi Yosef Braun.

The first Shiur from Machon ‘Taharas Habayis’ new Halacha series for married men will take place tonight at Empire Shteibel. Shiur 1: “How to ask a Shaalah” with Rabbi Yosef Braun.

The 5 week series of Shiurim will take place weekly at 8:00 pm in Empire Shteibel, 489 Empire Blvd. The shiurim will be given by a group of Rabbonim and Chosson Teachers covering a wide range of topics.

Class 1: “How To Ask a Shaalah” – Thursday, 4 Iyar
By Rabbi Y. Yeshaya Braun – Mara D’asra and Badatz Member

Class 2: Defining Nidda – Wednesday, 10 Iyar
By Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov – Beis Horaah of Crown Heights

Class 3: Shivah Nekiim & Vestos – Tuesday, 16 Iyar
By Rabbi Yehuda L. Altein – Chosson Teacher, Translator of Tahara K’halacha

Class 4: Harchakos – Wednesday, 24 Iyar
By Rabbi Pesach Schmerling – Chosson Teacher and Shliach

Class 5: Hashkafa & Sholom Bayis – Wednesday, 2 Sivan
By Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz – Mechanech and Taharas Habayis Director
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