Live: Siyum On Rambam’s Sefer Hafla’ah

Join Live at 9:00 PM ET: A Siyum will be held on the Rambam’s Sefer Hafla’ah, the sixth book of Mishna Torah, addressed by Rabbi Motti Wilhelm and hosted by Rabbi Raleigh Resnick.

Today, Chassidim the world over will complete the study of Sefer Hafla’ah, the sixth book of the Rambam. A virtual Siyum, organized once again by, will take place tonight at 9:00 EST.

The siyum will feature Rabbi Motti Wilhelm, who will discuss the uniqueness of 10 different editions of the Rambam, and their advantages for daily study.

The program will be hosted by the popular Rabbi Raleigh Resnick of the Tri-Valley, CA, and will conclude with a trivia game challenging our viewers to their mastery of Sefer Hafla’ah.

Live, tonight, Sunday, 4 Cheshvan, October 10th, at 9:00 PM.

Click here to join via Zoom.

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  1. If I recall correctly, rambam haaruch by rabbi Bluming was not included in your review in the article you mentioned. In my opinion it is a superb work which I enjoy learning with immensely. It provides both simple explanations of the difficult and complex passages in rambam, and also quiet deep iyunim. The fact that it is written with yiras shomayim (as compared to some of the other sets) is a primary and critical advantage as well. From what I’ve seen it may be only surpassed as a daily study aid by the Chitrick rambam, and in one regard it even surpasses it by encouraging a more independent study style focusing on the rambam text and only looking at the footnotes when you need them. It would be really great to have it included in your review.

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