Live: Siyum Harambam on Sefer Zeraim

Join Live at 1:00 PM EST: A siyum celebrating the completion of the Rambam’s Sefer Zeraim, will feature exclusive interviews with Rabbis Eliyahu Touger, and Rabbi Mendy Cohen.

As Yidden across the globe prepare to complete another Sefer in the daily study cycle of 3 Prakim Rambam, has put together the third virtual program to celebrate such a milestone.

Following the success of the virtual Siyum on Sefer Kedusha and Hafla’ah, with hundreds of participants tuning in from all over the world, the organizers at are putting together a similarly structured program for Sefer Zeraim, with a siyum and haschala, interviews with prominent Chassidim who are influential in the area of Limmud Harambam, and a Trivia Challenge.

The Siyum will feature interviews with two prominent Chassidim who have made their mark in the Torah world through Rambam: Rabbi Eliyahu Touger, translator of the world-famous Moznaim English Rambam, and Rabbi Mendy Cohen, Shliach to Sacramento, CA, author of the Sefer Margolis Menachem, which seeks to explain the underpinnings of many disagreements between Rambam and Raavad based on a single gem found in the Rebbe’s Sichos.

Answer a number of Rambam-related trivia questions and enter a raffle to win the set of Rambam of your choice.

In the years following the establishment of Takonas Harambam, the Rebbe publicly expressed his satisfaction with the Siyumim that had been arranged to celebrate the completion of individual Seforim of Mishneh Torah. Let’s make sure this year is no exception.

Join us tomorrow, 17 Kislev at 1:00 PM EST:

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