Join Live at 9:30 PM: A Kinus Hakhel and Siyum Mishnayos marking the shloshim of Rabbi Meir Harlig will be broadcast live from the upstairs zal of 770.
A Kinus Hakhel and Siyum Mishnayos marking the shloshim of Rabbi Meir Harlig will be held in the upstairs zal of 770 on Tuesday evening.
Rabbi Harlig, who merited to serve as the Rebbe’s mashbak and a gabbai in 770, passed away on Sunday, 29 Sivan, 5783.
The shloshim will be held on Tuesday, Erev Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av, in the upstairs zal at 770 Eastern Parkway.
The program will include addresses by family and friends and a Siyum Mishnayos.
All anash and bochurim are invited to participate.
The shloshim will be broadcast on for the benefit of chassidim around the world.
LIVE tonight at 9:30 PM ET.
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