Live: Shloshim of Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm

Join Live at 8:00 PM ET: An event marking the shloshim of renowned talmid chochom and educator Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm will stream live from Crown Heights, addressed by rabbonim, family members, and students. 

Family, friends, and students will gather on Thursday to mark the Shloshim of Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, a renowned talmid chochom and educator in Crown Heights.

The shloshim will take place on Thursday, Beis Adar I, Feb 3, at 8:00 PM at Oholei Torah Ballroom 667 Eastern Parkway. The entire community, men and women, are invited to attend.

Rabbi Wilhelm was a renowned talmid chochom and author of seforim. For 32 years, he served as menahel of the Mesivta, showing the students a living example of a love for Torah and educating generations of talmidim. Many of his students are now serving as Shluchim, Rabbonim, and members of Anash the world around.

The event will be followed by a farbrengen with Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, mashpia in Tomchei Temimim 770.

The gathering will be live-streamed at


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