Live: Shloshim Memorial at the Kosel for Simchas Torah Massacre

Join live at 11:00 AM EST: A special ceremony will be held at the Kosel to mark the 30th day since the tragic massacre of October 7th during which 1,400 memorial candles will be lit in memory of the victims.

On Monday evening, a special ceremony will be held at the Kosel to mark the 30th day since the tragic massacre of October 7th during which 1,400 memorial candles will be lit in memory of the victims.

The ceremony will take place Monday, the 22nd of Cheshvan, November 6, 2023, at 6:00 PM Israel Time, in the presence of the bereaved families.

Following the ceremony, attendees will be able to approach the candles to recite Tehillim in memory of the victims.


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