Live: New Haven Yeshiva Kinus Torah

Join Live at 8:30 PM ET: In accordance with the Rebbe’s wishes, Yeshivas Beis Dovid Shlomo of New Haven will be hosting a virtual Kinus Torah, featuring hanhala members from both Zal and Mesivta.

In accordance with the Rebbe’s wishes, Yeshivas Beis Dovid Shlomo of New Haven will be hosting a virtual Kinus Torah this evening at 8:30PM ET.

The kinus is sponsored by the Katz family in honor of the second Yahrtzeit of Rabbi Binyomin Hakohen ben Yehuda Yosef Katz Z”L.

Speakers will include:
Rabbi Moshe Winner – Dvar Malchus
Rabbi Shmaya Katz – Siyum on Maseches Pesachim
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Kalmenson – Leaning while eating Matzah
Rabbi Chanoch Bistritzky – The Rogatchover on Krias Yam Suf
Rabbi Yosef Lustig – The evolution of Mechiras Chometz
Rabbi Yitzchak Einstein – Teffilin on Chol Hamoed

To join via Zoom:
Dial in by phone: (929) 436 2866  
Meeting ID: 851 0451 1066
Passcode: 5781

The kinus is dedicated in honor of:The birthday of the Rebbe’s father Horav R’ Levi Yitzchak Schneerson
The birthday of R’ Shmuel ben R’ Simcha Shlit”a


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