Live: My Mashpia Story

Join Live at 8:30 PM ET: Jewish Women Influencers and N’shei Chabad International will host an evening focusing on the Rebbe’s urgent call for a “Mashpia” with Mrs. Devora Bukiet, Mrs. Rivka Rothman-Gremont, Mrs. Amanda Spiro, hosted by Mrs. Bracha Halperin and Mrs. Zohar Sasson.

Jewish Women Influencers and N’shei Chabad International will host an evening focusing on the Rebbe’s urgent call for a “Mashpia” with Mrs. Devora Bukiet, Mrs. Rivka Rothman-Gremont, Mrs. Amanda Spiro, hosted by Mrs. Bracha Halperin and Mrs. Zohar Sasson.

With everything going on in the world, and now in our own community, the Rebbe’s urgent call for “Mashpia” could never be more welcome.

What a gift! No more doubts. No more guesswork. An anxiety-free existence.
Don’t know something?
Just Ask! Ask And Trust…

Trust that because you are fulfilling your obligation of Aseh Lecha Rav, you will be guided correctly.

This year, Jewish Women Influencers and N’shei Chabad International have teamed up to create exciting platforms to make the concept of a Mashpia even more understood and accessible.

The second interactive live panel discussion will take place Motzei Shabbos, 20 Cheshvan, November 7th, 8:30 PM.

Coming soon: Video testimonials of Mashpia success stories
Database of potential mashpios

For more info on these new Mashpia initiatives:
WhatsApp: 646-538-3414
Email: [email protected]
Insta: @the_jewish_woman_influencer

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 936 925 1229
Passcode: 696502


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