Live: Memorial Evening of Practical Halachic Talks

Live at 7:00 PM ET: Machon Lemaan Yilmedu invites you to join a Memorial Evening of Practical Halachic Talks, in honor of the yahrtzeit of its Program Director, Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a”h.

Machon Lemaan Yilmedu invites you to join a Memorial Evening of Practical Halachic Talks, in honor of the yahrtzeit of its Program Director, Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a”h.

Today, Sunday, 4 Shevat (January 14)

The sessions will take place on zoom:

Rabbi Mordechai Hecht:
A parent’s place in empowering their children in the digital age

Rabbi Chaim Pape:
Minhagei Chabad of writing tefillin

Harav David Refael Banon:
What is the definition of Birchas Hatorah

Harav Gedalia Oberlander:
Is one allowed to give or sell a mezuzah to a non-Jew?

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