Live: Mazkir’s Son Farbrengs in Crown Heights

Join Live at 8:15: A grand hakhel and farbrengen with Rabbi Mendel Groner – Mashpia in Kiryat Gat, and son of the Mazkir Rabbi Leibel Groner a”h, will stream live from the Lincoln Place Shul in Crown Heights.

The Lincoln Place Shul and Beis Hamedrash invite You to a Hakhel in honor of Chof Hey Elul – Day Of Creation of the World.

Yartzeit of R’ Avraham Ben R’ Eliyahu Michalashvili

With Rabbi Mendel Groner – Mashpia in Kiryat Gat, and son of the Mazkir Rabbi Leibel Groner a”h.

Sunday Night Eve Of 25 Elul 5783 – (09/10/23)
Mariv 8 PM Followed by the abundant farbrengen.

At 1185 Lincoln Place, Brooklyn, NY 11213

Farbrengen will stream live on

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