Live: Lag Ba’omer Parade in Boro Park

Live at 4:30 PM: The annual Lag Ba’omer Parade in Boro Park will feature singer Shmueli Ungar and the Yiddish Nachas Choir, and a sensational Yiddish play.

The annual kinnus of Yiddishe kinderlach of Boro Park has become a highlight of the year, and this year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever.

The program includes the recitation of the 12 Pesukim, an uplifting musical performance by singer Shmueli Ungar accompanied by the Yiddish Nachas Choir and Avrumi Berko music.

The event is produced by Tzivos Hashem of Boro Park under Rabbi Aron Ginsberg.

Click here to help cover the costs of the Boro Park Lag Baomer parade.


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