Live: Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen in Monsey

Join Live at 8:00 PM: Chabad communities from across Monsey will join tonight for a Hakhel farbrengen marking the Rebbe’s Yahrzeit on Gimmel Tammuz with guest speaker Rabbi Moshe Kesselman.

Chabad communities from across Monsey will gather tonight for a Hakhel farbrengen marking the Rebbe‘s 29th Yahrzeit-hillula on Gimmel Tammuz.

The evening will be a tremendous show of achdus in honor of Gimmel Tammuz. Months of preparation will culminate with a seudah and farbrengen featuring shliach to Los Angeles Rabbi Moshe Kesselman, rov of Congregation Sharei Tefila.

The event will take place at Viznitz Hall in Monsey, 229 Maple Ave. A fleishig seuda will be served.

The farbrengen is being organized in tandem by Anash of Airmont | Arele’s Shteibel | Bais Menachem | Bais Menachem Mendel Lubavitch of Pomona | Beis Levi Yitzchok | Chabad at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim | Chabad Of Olympia | Cheder Chabad of Monsey | Congregation Achdus Yisroel | Congregation Nusach Ari | Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey | NCFJE | Ohr Yaakov Shlomo | K’hal Tzemach Tzedek | Congregation Pomona Heights | Chabad of Suffern | Kollel Anash or Rockland | Oholei Yitzchak of Stony Point.


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