Live: First Night of Sefardic Selichot in Crown Heights

Live at 12:30 AM:1st night of Selichot for Sefardic community in Crown Heights, taking place at Cong. Merkaz Sefarad Chabad.

Sefardic Jews worldwide begin Selichot from Rosh Chodesh Elul through Yom Kippur to commemorate the 40 days Moshe Rabbeinu went up to Shamayim to pray for Bnai Yisroel after the Chet Haeigel.

Based on this year’s calendar, the 1st Selichot is this Motzoei Shabbat and/or Sunday morning.

In Crown Heights, there are two options

Merkaz Sefarad located at 556 Crown @1230 am

Ner Menachem (Nimni Shul) on Empire between Kingston and Brooklyn, with Shachrit daily at 530 am and Selichot at 630 am

Cong. Merkaz Sefarad Chabad invites you to the 1st night of Selichot tonight at 12:30 with YouTube live-stream for those unable to attend in person.


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