Live: Evening of Tribute Marks First Yahrzeit of Dayan Refson

Join Live at 3:00 PM ET: An evening of tribute and inspiration will mark the first yahrzeit of Dayan Yehuda Refson of Leeds, England, with addresses by the Chief Rabbi of the UK, family and colleagues.

An evening of tribute and inspiration will mark the first yahrzeit of Dayan Yehuda Refson,  head of the regional Beth Din of Leeds, England.

Addressing the virtual gathering will be Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, Chief Rabbi of the UK and Commonwealth, Rabbi Dovid Refson, Dean of Neve Yerushalayim Seminary, Eretz Yisroel, and others. Emceeing the event will be Dr. Jonathan Straight.

The program will include a video presentation, the conclusion of a Sefer Torah written in memory of Dayan Refson, and the launch of the Dayan Refson Educational Resource Center.

Join Live:

Thursday, 27 Adar 5781 (March 11 2021) at 3:00 PM ET.
Click here to join via Zoom.
Zoom ID: 711 924-9755
Password: Tribute

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