Live: CTeen Closing Ceremony to Feature Teen Leaders

Live at 12:30 pm: The closing ceremony of the CTeen Shabbaton, “Count On Me,” will feature the stories of teens who combat anti-Semitism with Jewish Pride.

As the CTeen Shabbaton weekend draws to a close, witness the grand finale, a live event featuring the stories of courageous and resilient Jewish teens across the globe. Held at the iconic NYCB Theater in Long Island, New York, the inspiring event will crystalize the Shabbaton’s powerful “Count On Me” message for the thousands of teen participants.

This year’s Shabbaton has added significance, bringing together Jewish teens from 54 countries when Jews worldwide face tremendous challenges. From Sydney, Australia, to Paris, France, and everywhere in between, these young individuals, part of the world’s largest network of Jewish teens, have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to their heritage and a determination to make a difference.

“We are seeing teens develop real confidence in their Jewish identity and respond to these trying times by taking on real leadership roles,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of Merkos 302 and Vice-Chairman of CTeen International, “the closing event is a testament to this emerging leadership, as these young individuals continue to inspire and lead by example and take these powerful messages home.”

In addition to a musical performance by Gad Elbaz, the event will feature CTeens themselves, recounting their personal stories of leadership and bravery. From Ethan Martinez’s victorious throw with a kippah atop his head to Rachel Arrouas’ country-wide efforts across France, each narrative embodies the indomitable spirit of Jewish youth.

Join the “Count On Me” Mega Event today at 12:30 PM EST. Come together with Jewish teens worldwide to celebrate the resilience, strength, and unity of the Jewish people.

Click here to watch live.

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