Live: Chof Cheshvan Rally for Eretz Yisroel

Join live at 2:00 PM: Today’s rally for Eretz Yisroel is designed to show the children that they are the most powerful soldiers. They have the power to stop the enemy’s plot before it comes to action, and can even turn the enemy into our friends.

Today’s rally for Eretz Yisroel is designed to show the children that they are the most powerful soldiers. They have the power to stop the enemy’s plot before it comes to action, and can even turn the enemy into our friends.

The call to action is to not miss an opportunity; to learn extra Torah, do more and more Mitzvos, say the 12 Pesukim whenever they possibly can, and say extra Tehillim. To foil the plot of their Yetzer Hara, and to recognize that by them foiling the plot of their Yetzer Hara, in that merit, Hashem will foil the plot of the enemy.

By understanding that we are the body and the world is the clothing—just like when the body moves, the clothing moves automatically—when we stop the bad thoughts that enter our mind and bad feelings that enter our hearts, this will foil the plots of the enemy. So be the best soldiers you can be.

In week one, learn the enemy’s tricks, how the Yetzer Hara tries to invade. In week two, learn from the Avos, Dovid Hamelech, and the Imahos how to fight. In week three, adapt those war strategies into our lives. In week four, review the battle plan and evaluate your success.

By following the plans that the general of Tzivos Hashem laid out for us, we will conquer the north, south, east, and west, with total victory, בקרוב ממש.

We hope you teachers and parents will use the resources and discuss with the children what they have learned from the rally.

Click here to download rally resources.


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