Live: Chidon Grand Finale and Concert

Join Live Today at 1:45 PM: The International Chidon Hamitzvos Grand Finale will stream live, celerating the completion of studying all 613 mitzvos with a exciting game show and award ceremony, together with a concert by Benny Friedman and Eli Marcus!

Happening today at 1:45 PM!

Largest Chidon Sefer HaMitzvos to date!

Join the live broadcast of the Grand Finale of the Chidon Sefer HaMitzvos –  a global competition for Jewish children learning the 613 Mitzvos.

View the event live at from the comfort of your home, anywhere in the word! 

The grand finale is the culmination of many months of the children learning in their free time, studying a dedicated curriculum that focuses on the facts, information and reasons behind all 613 Mitzvahs. 

During the live broadcast, teams of finalists compete in teams to showcase their knowledge. Stay tuned for the announcement of the winners of the highly sought-after Chidon Trophies during the Awards ceremony.  

Some of the biggest stars in Jewish music today have joined the performance to make it one of the premier events on the community’s calendar. Benny Friedman and Eli Marcus will be accompanied by show host Choni Melecki and his band, to entertain the expected 250,000+ on-line viewers.

Click here to join!

Join to cheer on the contestants, share in their pride, be inspired and be part of the growth of this monumental project that unites the Jewish world through the study and mastery of Rambam’s Sefer Hamitzvos. Lemaan Iylmedu – let’s unite in the spirit of this Hakhel year, everyone together with Torah learning!

More than 300 participating schools in 40 countries and numerous cities around the globe have sent representatives to showcase the in-depth Torah learning and knowledge the students have acquired. 

Chidon / Siyum Hamitzvos is a project of Tzivos Hashem and Merkos L’inyonei Chinuch. The Chidon is dedicated by Mr. George Rohr in loving memory of Mrs. Sara (Charlotte) Rohr.

Contact Tzivos Hashem at [email protected]

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