Live: Bosi L’Gani 5722 With Rabbi Kuti Feldman

Join Live at 10:00 PM ET: Mashpia Rabbi Kuti Feldman will teach the Rebbe’s ma’amar of Bosi L’gani 5722, which chassidim are learning this year as a preparation for Yud Shevat.  

Mashpia Rabbi Kuti Feldman will teach the Rebbe’s ma’amar of Bosi L’gani 5722, which chassidim are learning this year as a preparation for Yud Shevat.  

The shiur is delivered every Wednesday night in 770, and will be streamed live for the benefit of those who cannot attend in person.

Click here to join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 861 6389 3313
Passcode: 427299

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