Live: Annual Event Commemorating Triple Hiloula

Live: Merkaz Sefarad Chabad holds event commemorating the multiple Hiloulos that occur around this auspicious time.

Merkaz Sefarad Chabad and the Zaetz family are proud to invite you to the annual Hiloula of Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira, זצוק”ל, a.k.a the Abir Yaacov.

Rabbi Yaacov Abuhatzeira is the grandfather of the Baba Sali זצוק”ל whose Hiloula is two weeks later, on 4 Shevat.

20 Tevet is also the Hiloula of the Rambam, and the grandfather of Rabbi Chaim ben Attar, otherwise known as the Or Hachaim Hakadosh.

The annual Hiloula also takes place just days before 24 Tevet, which is the Hiloula of the Alter Rebbe.

An inspiring evening with Tefilot for our soldiers and hostages, and for the safety of AM YISROEL, will certainly hasten the Geulah. Rabbonim and Mashpiim will offer Divrei Torah, words of Chizuk and Tefillah. Traditional Moroccan foods, and live music accompanied by excellent Paytanim is planned.

The Hiloula is partially sponsored by Mrs. Chaya Zaetz, a grandaughter of the Baba Sali, and her family.

Separate sections for men and women.

The Hiloula will take place in Ulam Chana, 556 Crown Street this Sunday night at 8:00 pm. Suggested donation of $18 will be greatly appreciated.

For those who can’t make it in person, there will be live stream on Zoom and

Topic: Hiloula of Rav Yaakov Abuhatzeira ztz”l
Time: Dec 31, 2023 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 881 5887 7153
Passcode: 1806

For YouTube please look for Association of Crown Heights Shuls channel and the feed will come up.

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