Live: 21 Shuls Unite for 19 Kislev Event

Live at 7:00 PM: 21 Jewish communities in Marine Park, Brooklyn will unite for a grand Yud Tes Kislev farbrengen with Rabbi YY Jacobson and singer Eitan Katz.

For the first time ever, the Marine Park Kehillah will unite together for a special event in connection with 19 Kislev.

The event will take place Sunday 17 Kislev, Dec 11 at 7:00 pm in the Kingsway Jewish Center Hall

The Rabonei Hakehillah will inspire the crowd, together with the guest speaker Rabbi YY Jacobson.

Beautiful Niggunim and music will be lead by music artist and singer Eitan Katz.

The event will be broadcasted live on

This call for gathering between all types of Yidden within Marine Park was spearhead by Rabbi Levi Hendel from Chabad of Marine Park.

This event is dedicated in loving memory of Reb Ben Zion (BZ) Weiss A”H.

May this unity on such a special day lead to the ultimate unity of all Yidden with the coming of Moshiach.


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