Litvishe Gedolim Warmly Welcome Chabad Rosh Yeshiva

Harav Ezra Schochet, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad in Los Angeles, paid a Yom Tov visit to leading Roshei Yeshivos in Bnei Brak, in a visit being described as ‘historic’.

By reporter

Harav Ezra Schochet, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad in Los Angeles, paid a Yom Tov visit to leading Roshei Yeshivos in Bnei Brak, in a visit being described as ‘historic’.

While visiting Eretz Yisroel for Pesach, Harav Shochet visited the homes of Harav Gershon Edelstein, rosh yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva and head of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Harav Dov Lando, Rosh Yeshiva of the Slabodka, Harav Berel Povarsky, Rosh Yeshiva of the Ponevezh, and Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rosh Yeshiva of Slabodka.

The Roshei Yeshiva discusses Torah topics related to Pesach, and the Litvishe Gedolim inquired about the Yeshiva in Los Angeles, taking great interest in the fact that a yeshiva could flourish even in a place mainly renowned for other reasons…

The first visit took place at the home of Harav Gershon Edelstein, where the aged gadol warmly welcomed Harav Schochet, before immediately entering a deep Torah discussion on the topics of daled kosos, the Rambam’s opinion on the matter, and the chiddush of the Alter Rebbe. Harav Schochet presented a explanation on the difference in their opinions, based on their general shitos in other areas, and Harav Edelstein expressed his amazement at the explanation.

During his visit to Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva Harav Dov Lando, the Los Angeles Rosh Yeshiva discussed the chiddush of the Brisker Rov regarding daled kosos, and questioned the chiddush from the wording of the Rambam, prompting Harav Lando to acknowledge that the question was a strong one.

Harav Lando then offered a chiddush on the stanza in dayenu “even if He brought us to Har Sinai but didn’t give us the Torah it would have been enough,” explaining it based on a Rashi al hatorah. Harav Schochet added that based on Chassidus, the chiddush takes on an additional depth, and the two spoke for a long while.

At the home of Harav Berel Povarsky, Rosh Yeshiva of the Ponevezh, the two discussed the ‘four sons’ brought in the Haggadah, and the questions each one poses. Harav Povarsky related his memories of the two yechidus he had with the Rebbe, and the discussions in Torah he had during one of them. He also related memories from the time his father, Harav Dovid Povarsky, served as the rosh yeshiva of the Chabad Yeshiva in Tel Aviv, and of his father’s prize student, Reb Yoel Kahn a”h.

The next animated visit took place at the home of Slabodka Rosh Yeshiva Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch. Harav Hirsch asked about the yeshiva in Los Angeles and about Harav Schochet’s style in delivering shiurim, noting that Chabad style of learning is similar to the Litvishe way.

The Los Angeles Rosh Yeshiva also paid a visit to the Rov of Bnei Brak Harav Aizik Landau, the first time the two met since Harav Landau was appointed as the Rov of the city, following the passing of his father, Beni Brak Rov Moshe Landau.

The two spoke for many long minutes, discussing various Pesach related topics, together with Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Kuperman, ram in Chabad Yeshiva of Kiryat Gat, who accompanied Harav Schochet on all the visits.

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  1. There is a letter that was written by R’ Aharon Kotler to Rabbi Shochet’s father in which he praises Rabbi Shochet saying “Your wondrous son will be a true Gadol”

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